Friday 28 March 2014

Beach Discovery

Axel's story
Today the Year 1 and 2s walked to the beach. We found heaps of drift wood. We had heaps of fun. We saw lots of stuff and my favourite bit was I got tied up with the seaweed. I buried myself in the sand. I loved it. Would you?

Meika's story
Today we went to the beach. It was fun because we built a very big sandcastle. We played with driftwood and seaweed and shells. We tied ourselves up with seaweed.

George's story
Today we went to the beach. We saw dead crabs and we built big sand castles .

Benjamin's story
I went to the beach today and I made a path for Mitchell. I made a thing which shows you where the wind goes.

Luca's story
Today we went to the beach. I got tied up with seaweed, it was amazing. I wish I could go to the beach every day! I saw some people were building sand castles and villages and jungles!

Leon's story
Today we went to the beach. It was awesome!

Charlie's story
Today we went to the beach. I loved it. I built an amazing sandcastle. I had the best time.

Mitchell's story
Today we went to the beach and we made a sandcastle. It was really tall. I jumped on it. Wo ho!

Mrs B's story
A huge thank you to all the mums and dads who came with us and helped.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


1 comment:

  1. The beach was lots of fun wasn't it Room 4. I really liked reading all your stories. Axel I like how you finished your story with a question.

    From Miss D
