Thursday 17 April 2014

Happy Easter!

We had a great last day of term today. The whole day was Easter Day where we all did lots of fun Easter activities. We also got our photo taken with the SURFER penguin Mr Cameron is taking with him on his trip around the world. Look out for him in Mr Cameron's photos on his blog. Can you see him in our class photo?

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Location:Sumner school

Saturday 5 April 2014

Fluffy birds

Fluffy Birds by India
The day before yesterday I taught the class to make a paper bird. There were some lovely birds and some fluffy birds. I really liked Leon's bird because it was really fluffy and cute.

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Tuesday 1 April 2014

The gruffalo

We were very proud of ourselves at assembly on Monday.

First we were judged the best singing team, then our room won the recycling award and finally we showed the school our paintings of the Gruffalo. What a great day!

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Location:Sumner school